
Making Children’s Lives Better and Their Future Secure through the #ChangeFor100 Campaign

Youth is the hope of our nation. This phrase gives hope to the current situation in the Philippines. Indeed, the next generation and the values that are instilled in them play a key role in improving our society. Thus, it’s vital to mold them to be the hope and not the other way around. This isn’t an easy task, especially in the state of our nation where governance, human rights, healthcare, and education are at stake. However, we can do something about it.

The Need for Donation for Children: Overview

Nation building takes courage, effort, time, and commitment. It also requires investing in the lives of children—the future of our country. Sadly, the Philippines is considered one of the countries facing a homeless crisis. With a great portion of the population living below the poverty line, many people end up without a roof over their heads; most of them are children.

In fact, there are an estimated 30,000 homeless children in the streets of Manila and 250,000 street children across the archipelago. While they are on the streets, they are at high risk of abuse, exploitation, hunger, human rights violations, and health issues—both physical and mental. These children are neglected and most of them are in conflict with the authorities. They suffer from discrimination and are considered throwaway children who are useless to society.

Challenges that Children Face

Children are the most vulnerable group in the community. They need guidance, support, and help to achieve their full potential. That’s why a number of organizations have taken up to the task of holding donation and charity efforts alleviate these challenges. In addition, the country currently faces a number of challenges; including insufficient government funds, dying healthcare and education systems, lack of livelihood programs, housing, and a number of other crises. With these, children—especially the ones on the streets—experience these firsthand and are more exposed to harsh environments.

charity volunteering to provide donation for children

1. Poverty

One of the biggest challenges that children face in the Philippines is poverty. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), 10.94 million Filipinos don’t have enough income to even meet the basic food needs in the first semester of 2021. This has grown to a great degree due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, many have suffered from homelessness, and it’s no secret that most of them are children.

2. Hunger

According to a survey conducted last year, 4.2 million families experienced hunger; with a higher percentage of 20.7% in Mindanao, followed by 16.3% in the Visayas, 15.7% in Balance Luzon, and 14.7% in Metro Manila.

This is in relation to poverty. As mentioned earlier, a number of Filipinos struggle to make both ends meet. As a result, families living in absolute poverty don’t have enough means to buy healthy food, leaving them with no choice other than to eat pag-pag (recooked meat picked from garbage and dumps). Children from these families are usually malnourished and sick.

3. Health

Persistent poverty and hunger lead to poor health. Moreover, access to healthy food, safe drinking water, and healthcare remains difficult. Thus, many children have health issues. There’s no need for debate about the importance of health. Yet, many still set this aside.

Street children need help and support to stay healthy. They need free access to clinics and hospitals, vaccines, medicine, and medical consultations, as well as psychosocial support such as psychological first aid. Remember, children are vulnerable, and giving them the opportunity and aid to be healthy goes a long way. Hence, if we want to have a healthy community, we need to ensure that our children are healthy—both physically and mentally.

4. Child Labor

Another challenge children face is child labor. Many children, from poor families to street children, are forced to make a living. They’re compelled to work and provide for their families. As per PSA’s summary statistics, there were 872,000 working children in 2020. Of those, 597,000, or 68.4%, were child laborers. Of these estimated child laborers, 73.3% were in the age group of 15 to 17 years. Furthermore, 63.6% of the 597,000 child laborers were found in the agriculture sector.

5. Violence

All shall be entitled to their rights; and children’s rights are just as important. As stated in Presidential Decree No. 603, also known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, “The child is one of the most important assets of the nation.” In spite of that, many children are exposed to violence, sexual abuse, traumatic experiences, and threats and conflicts.

Good thing, this shouldn’t be the case. We can be advocates of change and help in nation building through outreach programs and donation for children advocacies. Everyone has a role to play, and your role can make a difference.

Childhope Philippines Giving Tuesday

Donation for Children: Childhope Philippines’ Programs to Help Children

As a non-profit organization with the mission of assisting the country by giving hope to street children, Childhope Philippines took the lead in creating programs that support and empower children to reach their potential and be good citizens—in large part due to our dedicated volunteers and partners who tirelessly give donations for children.

The Street Education and Protection (STEP) Program: A Product of Your Donation for Children

1. Education

The KalyEskwela (school on the streets) program aims to provide street children access to basic education—alternative education sessions and basic literacy and numeracy classes. We facilitate learning interventions on the street through modules from the DepEd-accredited Alternative Learning System (ALS).

Our street educators are trained to provide educational aid to children who go back to the formal school system. Plus, we also conduct trade and tech skills training programs through our Youth Empowerment Project. This aims to help them earn money to support themselves and their loved ones.

2. Psychosocial Interventions

We believe that psychosocial support is vital in molding the social behavior of the younger generations. Thus, we came up with programs that help our children process thoughts and experiences and cope with stress. In addition, we help homeless children find shelters where they can be safe and protected.

3. Health and Medical Services

The KliniKalye (mobile health clinic) program serves our children and those in need with primary medical care, consultations, and treatments.

4. Skills Development Programs

Children who are armed with leadership, computer literacy, sports, arts, and other 21st-century skills have better opportunities. That is why we make it a point to provide skill development programs for our children in order to provide them with the necessary skills that will help them have brighter futures.

man holding jar to use as donation for children

Donation for Children: Help Children to Have a Better and Brighter Future through #ChangeFor100

Help us raise 3,000,000 pesos to change the lives of 100 street children! You can donate by going to the Pay Bills feature on the GCash app and searching for “Change For 100 by Childhope” in the ‘Others’ category.

With your donation for children, you can help us continue our mission and vision of preparing the next generation of leaders for our nation. All proceeds will directly go to Childhope Philippines Foundation, Inc.’s one-year program plan. This includes alternative learning sessions about sanitation, children’s rights, reading and writing, meals and allowances, counseling and health services, and recreational activities.

Make a #Changefor100 kids today!” video from GCash’s Facebook page.

Share the video and spread the word to make a #ChangeFor100.

Wait no more! Download the GCash app or register to GCash on Messenger, available for all networks! Check the links below:
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Help give them a chance to have a childhood and a better, safer future. All you need is 1 tap to touch 100 lives.

Rebuild the Lives of the Next Generation through Donation for Children Programs

Be part of Childhope Philippines’ advocacies and play your key role in nation building. Be an agent of change by joining our team or pledging donations. Together, let us help the street children and their families have better tomorrows.

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Childhope Philippines Foundation, Inc. is registered non-government organization in the Philippines. We operate the website (the Website).

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These Terms and Conditions apply separately to each single donation that you make. Except as provided for in section 6, ‘Monthly Donations’, and unless specified by you, they do not form a contract allowing for future or successive transactions to be set up. By confirming on the Website that you wish to make a donation you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions for that donation.

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We will use your donation at our discretion but within our stated charitable objectives.

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If you make an error in your donation please contact us either by email at, by phone at +639171005303, 561-7118, or by post at 1640 Sulu St., corner San Lazaro St., Brgy. 340, Zone 34, Sta. Cruz, Manila and a full refund will be made to you in 30 working days.

(5) Monthly donations
These Donation Payment Terms and Conditions will only apply to successive donations made through the Website where you have set up a monthly donation. When you set up a regular donation you will be scheduling a series of donations to be made on the day of the month that you choose until further notice. You agree that these Terms and Conditions will apply to each of the donations in that series.

By confirming that you wish to proceed with a monthly donation you authorize our payment service provider PayMongo to request funds from your credit or debit card on the day of each month that you set.

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We reserve the right to amend these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions at any time.

These Donation Payment Terms and Conditions are governed by Philippine law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippine courts.