“Unseen Bits”

What’s been happening lately…
Nervous and excitement is what I felt when we were starting our internship, especially when were introduced to our task and various areas. Nervous since it was my first time meeting individuals in this kind of situation, but excited because I knew at the end of the day, I would have another story to share and a lesson to learn.
On my first day out in the field, one of our social workers accompanied me to a medical appointment for one of our beneficiaries. At that time, I observed how this society viewed those individuals, and I admired Kuya Fidel for being composed yet brave enough to defend that child’s medical care. Also, I met other parents in the area who welcomed me and showed me their humble abodes, some of them lived beneath the bridge, while others practically lived on the street.
After that day, I’m wondering if I’ll be able to continue with this level of engagement because, at first, I assumed I’d be trapped in a room working on documents or other tasks. But it was challenging here at Childhope because they will immerse you in the field to give you a different view of these children and their families.
And as time goes by, little by little I see myself enjoying those field works, talking with them, sharing some kwentos. I enjoyed working with the social workers, admin staff, and alted instructors since they were always willing to share their experiences and give advice on how things go by in this line of work. It was also pleasing to see how volunteers and sponsors shared their time and provided the children with things they could use.
Additionally, they offer a variety of seminars for young people on how to grow into good role models, as well as a family development seminar (FDS) for parents teaching them how to connect with their children and assist them in creating a strong family structure.
Life in the street,
In the past few months that been interacting with the kids and their parents, sharing stories with them, seeing where they live and what is their story behind them. It touches you on how they survive and smile despite their situation.
And hearing those stories alters your view on them, seeing how courteous those kids are, they used to call you “nanay o tatay” and they always did “mano po.” Also, witnessing those young people thrive to complete their education in order to help their families and community. Eventually, even when you’re not at work, those kids will recognize you and call you because you’ve become attached to them.
One of the parent leaders, Nanay Gina, told us about life on the street, how difficult it is to live with fear, and how you manage scenarios, particularly how others see them. However, Nanay Gina explained to us how the streets helped her gain wisdom and how she was able to raise her children to be decent people.
She also stated that “may mga anak pako kaya hindi pa natatapos ang buhay naming dito” and you can see from her that she was determined to put in a lot of effort only to see that her child finish school.
Life realization
Being an intern at Childhope is like riding a roller coaster; it teaches you different emotions along the way, how life will humble you, and how simple things will have a big impact on you.
Experiencing this kind of situation will affect you personally and inspire you to do good and grow as a person. Such situations encourage you to consider how you may speak up for them. Perhaps this is a wake-up call for everyone, including me, to be more appreciative in life, to be tough, and to inspire someone to be just one child’s hope.
As an intern with Childhope, it was a life-changing experience that taught me the importance of empathy, adaptability, and being tough. It gave me the opportunity to witness how those kids were empowered in life. Also, it gave me valuable lessons that I may carry in my future endeavors.